Here at Aurum Capital, we adopt the Principle of Responsible Investment (PRI).

The Principles are an initiative backed by the United Nations and provide a framework for the investment community to achieve better long term investment returns and more sustainable markets using Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) criteria.

We understand that Responsible Investment is a broad-based approach to investing which factors in people, society and the environment, along with financial performance, when making and managing investments. That is why our approach to Responsible Investment involves the integration of ESG factors across all aspects of our business operations and investment activities. Aurum Capital is committed to responsible investing which aligns with investors’ values in addition to financial returns.

Secure your Wealth & Legacy

01 Environment

Our projects are known for their resilient and environmentally friendly designs, from energy-efficient fixtures that reduce a building’s operational carbon footprint, to mobility features that improve community access to amenities and to low-carbon construction materials.

02 Society

We have 58% female representation in executive roles and management, as well as a diverse team from across the globe which ensures the comfort of our local team and overseas investors. 

03 Governance

Our core values of integrity, excellence and loyalty, further guarantees a governance that maximises risk adjusted returns and the security of wealth and a legacy for our clients. Since establishment, we have maintained a solid track record of returning 100% of investor capital and interest with zero losses. We demonstrate our commitment to ESG principles in our operations and engagement with all stakeholders, including staff, investors and suppliers.


Be trustworthy and reliable.

We deeply value the power of integrity because we recognise that protecting and growing our clients wealth affects their lives. We respect their trust in us by being honest, transparent and highly communicative.


Be professional and the best at what we do

We are committed to delivering uncompromising, consistent and excellent service. This means we are agile and experienced- we know our way around the market and how best to guide our clients to protect and grow thier wealth.


Be faithful to our investors

We care about the long term goals and implications of our investments with our clients. We know our work is about family, security, freedom and opportunity and we are committed to providing our clients a lifetime of prosperity.

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